Pop It Nums math bubble game attracts all online players. Click on the position of the bubble with the numbers you consider to complete the task. Math lessons become useful for you in the journey that abcya-3 com updates. You will see different questions related to the numbers. Find positive, negative, even, odd, numbers divisible by 3 or more. Your math skills come in handy in this skill game. Sometimes, you may not complete the task. Don't get discouraged. Select the numbers in the shortest amount of time. If you finish early, the bonus score will be higher. Read the questions carefully to choose the correct answer with numbers that you have never known. Difficult levels appear in the next rounds. Answer the questions with the most accurate results.
Many players have scored high scores and unlocked different missions. What journey are you proud to take? Enjoy winning our math questions at Abcya3 online games. Share gaming tips in new games when your friends are looking for games to join. What topics interest you in each journey? Take your time to complete the mission and become the best player. We make it possible for players all over the world to join new games without being bothered. If you are an enemy of math, you can still join this game. Decode the numbers with different roles in each calculation.
Once you've found the numbers, you'll win our game. Unlock the latest levels today. Useful math lessons that can help you in your daily life. Some new games for you like Jewel Blocks Quest.
Who created Pop It Nums?
Pop It Nums is created by Lof Games. Play their other game on ABCy-3.com: Word Search Birds
Instruction to play:
How to play: Click or tap on the numbers you choose according to the answer in each part of the game.