The legend game which you play on papers, Hangman is on http://abcya-3.com now! Over and above you don't have to play against the PC, you can play with your friends again. Moreover, there are different properties from the normal game.
As you know, your aim on the game is, finding the whole word which was given the vowels.
When the game loads, start the game with "PLAY" button and choose the numbers of players. There are two types of game: CLASSIC Mode which is the normal mode and "RUSSIAN ROULETTE" Mode in which you have given 12 Bullets and depends on the luck. Choose your mode than start the game.
Play the game with your "MOUSE". If you play with your friend, write the word which you want to ask your friend without show him/her. And the other one tries to guess the word. Click on the letters with your mouse and do not forget to follow your man's situation. With the help of buttons on the bottom corner of the screen; you can set the sound, see your word and restart the game.
Instruction to play:
Controls: Use the keyboard and the character buttons to select the most accurate word for the keyword you are looking for in this game.